1-16-2012 Clarification and Update

Clarification and Update

A question has been raised regarding the following statement in last Saturday's newsletter: "Allowing the state sales tax rate to drop to 7.6% would make the combined Kansas state and average local rate equivalent to the rate in Colorado and Missouri and lower than Oklahoma and Texas."

To clarify, if the state sales tax rate dropped from 6.3% to 5.7%, as currently scheduled for July 1, then the combined state and average local sales tax rate in Kansas would be 7.66%.  Here are the numbers for other states in the region:

Colorado: 7.48%
Missouri: 7.67%
Nebraska: 6.77%
Oklahoma: 8.66%
Texas: 8.14%

Obviously tax rates vary from city to city and county to county, but these figures give a sense of the relative sales tax burden compared to our neighbors.

Since Saturday's newsletter was sent out I have come across an online source for Governor Brownback's tax plan.  I was pleased to learn of the governor's plan to bolster the safety net for low-income Kansans by doubling the standard deduction and investing an additional $60 million in state social services and healthcare programs.  This proposal goes a long way toward answering the concern about eliminating the earned income tax credit.

Here is another valuable resource from Kansas Legislative Research Department:  Kansas Tax Facts

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